Monday, March 30, 2009

Sizzling African American Literature

“Pleasure” by Eric Jerome Dickey

Ladies and gentlemen, I thought I had a favorite author. I was 100% sure that “he” was the best. I had read all of his books and I was hooked! That is until his latest novels seemed as if they were trying too hard. They no longer sparked a curiosity in me. They no longer kept me excited, intrigued, and wanting more. So I set off on a mission. I was determined to rekindle that flame and desire to read. I was determined to find that addicting brain food we call literature. I stepped out of the box and read pieces that friends suggested. They were okay, however they didn’t come to life for me. I had heard the author Eric Jerome Dickey thrown around a few times so I decided to see what he was about. This became my most pivotal moment in reading.

When I read one of his novels for the first time, I no longer wanted to call it “reading.” I wanted to call it living! His novels came to life right in front of my eyes. It was as if I were apart of the situations and I knew the characters personally. This man is truly gifted you guys! I struggle to put these feelings in words as I type this. His novels paint pictures, tell stories, and pull you in strong and hard! The day I stared reading his art is the day that I truly found my favorite author. Ever since then I have read each and every single book that he has written, each one topping its predecessor.

Here recently I have read his latest called “Pleasure.” This is clearly the best book he has written thus far. (I’m sure his next will top this as well) This steamy, fantasy filled romance will have you up, late night reading, when you have to be up at 5:30 a.m. in the morning for work! It will have you sneaking a peak at the next page while you’re at work or home preparing dinner!

The novel is about a woman named Nia Simone Bijoux, a ghost writer of erotic novels, living single in Atlanta. She is constantly on the verge of seeking sexual satisfaction however often comes up short. This problem continues in her life until she meets these two gorgeous identical twins jogging in a park one day. Later, caught in a hot love triangle, she discovers their deep dark dirty secrets at all cost. She receives the pleasure of a lifetime but finds herself wondering is it all worth her life?

Indulge yourself in this breathtaking, page turning, eye popping drama. I read this book in a few days while juggling my home life and my full time career as a high school teacher. This is truly a treat worth making time for. Eric Jerome Dickey is a phenomenal writer and will take you on that long awaited vacation that you’ve been yearning for. Allow him to do so! If you are looking for an author to stick by who will satisfy your brain food craving each and every time, “he” is you man ladies and gentlemen. Start with “Pleasure” and I promise you won’t regret it! I’m heavily anticipating his next!


Doctor Feel Realgood said...

You almost had me wondering. I have been reading Mr. Dickey since the 90's. He has always been a great writer, though Dying for Revenge almost put me to sleep. He stole me away from Omar Tyree, and though many people(and Cinemax/Showtime) like Zane, sex without character development is worse than a Penthouse. It's good to see a sister in JO reading something good. Keep it up.

Berneta said...

So you're a fan of Dickey. Wouldn't have thought, but then again I've only ever skimmed the man's books. I think the genre of his works just doesn't do it for me (though I've gotten sucked into a couple of Terry McMillian books; I'm even including two of them on my comps list). Anyway, interesting post. Maybe I'll have to give Dickey another shot.